Big Rideau Lake Association

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Found: Floating Dock

A floating dock was caught behind our concrete jetty during the night of May 21 – 22, 2017.  It measures about 12 feet by 16 feet, and is made of 8 inch planks, running the whole 16 foot length.  It has seen better days, but is still  perfectly serviceable.  The winds for the preceding days were predominantly from the north-west, with short periods from the south-west.

Our cottage is on the east shore, about 2 km south of Rocky Narrows, and just north of Askwith’s Island.  Our cottage number, 194, is nailed onto the cantilever platform about 20 m north of the concrete jetty.  We did not tie the wayward dock to the shore, because it was firmly wedged between our concrete jetty and the shore, and the water level was dropping, suggesting that it should remain in place.  We would appreciate it if the owner could reclaim the dock and haul it home, as we cannot get our boat into its mooring space inside the concrete jetty. 

Our telephone number at the cottage is 613-283-9294, and at home 514-695-7781.

Fred Parkinson